Yesterday I showed you how to make a DIY Light Table for sensory play. Now that your Light Table is complete, it’s time to have some fun! Gather all of the translucent items that you can find and let your little ones explore! Here are some Light Table Activities to get you started:
See Also: DIY Light Table
10 Light Table Activities
1. Magnetic Tiles
The first thing my boys played with on their Light Table was their Magnetic Picasso Tiles. These are already so much fun to build with but the light shining through them made it a whole new experience!
2. X-Rays
While my boys were playing with their tiles, I did a quick Google search for printable x-rays and came across a blog post from Tried & True that contained a link to a set of printable x-rays. I printed them out on regular paper and they worked great. I also found other x-rays that I thought my boys would like (crab, lobster, frog, etc) and printed those as well.
3. Rainbow Blocks
I’ve always loved rainbow blocks but never owned a set. Now that we had the Light Table, I really wanted some. Rather than purchasing them, I decided to make my own. We have a set of thin blocks that my boys don’t play with much so I used them to make my rainbow blocks. Using a hot glue gun, I glued 4 blocks together to make a rectangle frame. I then traced the frame onto a translucent divider that I had in an old binder that I no longer use. I cut out the rectangle shape from the divider and glued it to the frame. Next, I made a second frame and glued it on top of the first frame with the divider between the two. I made four rectangle rainbow blocks this way, and two triangle ones. My boys loved them!
4. Glass Beads
We use glass beads for various crafts so I had some on hand. I pulled them out for my boys to play with and they had so much fun with them. They counted them, lined them up, and sorted them into groups. They also used them to make “pixie dust” (their idea). They we’re mixing them together using the rainbow blocks as bowl. I think the light shining through seemed magical to them!
5. Translucent Shape Cut Outs
Using the translucent dividers I had, I cut out various shapes – hearts, circles, squares, triangles, and stars. The boys used them to create different things like houses and trees. It was interesting to see what they could come up with!
6. Translucent Coasters
I found sets of translucent fruit themed coasters at our local dollar store. When I saw them, I immediately thought of our light table. My boys loved stacking them and mixing colors to create new colors. I also really liked the ridged texture of them!
7. Magnetic Wands and Bingo Chips
Playing with the translucent bingo chips was also lots of fun for my boys. Like the glass beads, they counted them, lined them up, and sorted them into groups.They also had a blast picking them all up with their magnetic wands.
8. DIY Sensory Bags
I’ve seen DIY Sensory Bags on Pinterest countless times and I thought they would be really neat on the Light Table, so I decided to give them a try. My boys absolutely loved them but unfortunately, they didn’t last long. Two of them sprung a leak within a couple of hours, and the third sprung a leak during day two of play. We have one left and I’m hoping it lasts us a little longer. But if not, that’s okay. They’re so easy and inexpensive to make. Simply add some water to a freezer bag and drop in some food coloring. Next, add baby oil. If you want, you can add other items to your bag: pom poms, rubber erasers, confetti, glitter, etc… My boys loved the feel of the bags and loved watching all the baby oil pool together.
9. Glass Bead Letter Match
This activity is another one of my Pinterest finds. Using a Sharpie, write lower case letters on large glass beads. On a sheet of construction paper, write capital letters with a circle around them. Have your child match the lower case letters to the capital letters.
10. Stacking Cups
My boys are really into building things so when I found these little plastic translucent shot glasses at our local dollar store, I thought they would be perfect for building on out light table with. My boys also loved to use them to hold they bingo chips and then dump them out onto the Light Table.
When it comes to Sensory Play, the possibilities really are endless. Just hand your child some materials and let them explore! I’d love to see your sensory tables and the activities your little ones enjoy best! Feel free to share some of your pictures with me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!