DIY Doorway Puppet Theater

Easy DIY Doorway Puppet Theater

We recently spent the day at the zoo, where they had a puppet theater set up for the kids to play with. Now, my boys have lots of puppets but for some reason, I never got around to getting them a theater. They had so much fun putting on shows for us at the zoo, that I decided it was time for us to get a theater of our own. Rather than spending a ton of money on a theater that would take up a huge amount of space, I decided to make my own DYI Doorway Puppet Theater. In this post, I’ll show you how you can make one too!  Read More

Planning a Summer Vacation

Planning a Summer Trip with a Picky Eater

It’s that time of year again. The weather is warm, the kids are out of school, and you just planned your two-week vacation with the family. Maybe it’s up to Maine, maybe it’s down to Florida, but you’re on vacation and that’s all that matters. Traveling with children also means there’s going to be times when the menu doesn’t satisfy their wants. So what do you do? We developed a list of tricks for your next trip in order to travel with a picky eater successfully: Read More

Tips For Picky Eaters

22 Tips on How to Handle a Picky Eater – Infographic

Having children who are picky eaters are tough — we know. There are articles out there that may help you but most of these articles use complicated scientific terms that the majority of people (even us) don’t understand. We have decided to create the infographic below to make it as easy as possible to understand and comprehend. These are great tips but let us know if you have any more! Read More

Superhero Birthday Party

Superhero Birthday Party Ideas – Avengers & Power Rangers

Last year my oldest son was obsessed with Frozen. This year, at age 5, it’s Superheroes. The Avengers and Power Rangers, to be specific. To my surprise, when I started researching “Superhero Birthday Party Ideas”, I couldn’t find many that I liked. This meant that I had to get creative. Personally, I love party planning so this was lots of fun for me. In this blog post, I’ll show you how you can pull together an amazing birthday party for your little Superhero.  Read More

Picky Eater Solutions

Picky Eater Solutions For Kids

Many children fall into the “Picky Eater” category at one point or another, but why? Some children are simply testing their limits, while others may be dealing with sensory issues. The key to getting through the Picky Eater Phase is figuring out what the cause of it is. In this post, I will talk about the different reasons why a child may be going through this phase, as well as possible Picky Eater Solutions to help you through it. Read More

Light Table Activities

10 Light Table Activities – Sensory Play

Yesterday I showed you how to make a DIY Light Table for sensory play. Now that your Light Table is complete, it’s time to have some fun! Gather all of the translucent items that you can find and let your little ones explore! Here are some Light Table Activities to get you started: Read More