Picky eater using Pick-Ease

5 Helpful Tips For Dealing With Picky Eaters

The “Picky Eaters” phase is something that many of us parents are all too familiar with. By two years old, 50% of children in the United States are considered picky eaters by their caregivers. My two boys, at one time, fell into that category. Lucky for me, they have outgrown that phase and will now eat pretty much anything I put in front of them. In hopes of helping other families who are struggling with this issue, I have compiled this list of my top 5 helpful tips for dealing with picky eaters.

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Wiggles Themed Birthday Party Ideas To Help You Throw The Perfect Wiggles Party!

My son, Joshua, was turning two and loved music and dancing. What better theme for his birthday party, than The Wiggles!? For those of you who aren’t familiar with The Wiggles, they are only the greatest children’s music group around! I’ll admit, there are some children’s songs that drive me absolutely insane, but The Wiggles, I can deal with! Their songs fun, upbeat and super catchy! One of my favorites is “Fruit Salad, Yummy, Yummy!” So how do you throw a perfect Wiggles birthday party? Follow this guide and I promise,  you’ll have one happy birthday boy or girl!  Read More

What To Bring To The Zoo

What To Bring To The Zoo For Kids

Kids Wagon or Stroller

You can very easily spend the entire day at this zoo so go prepared! I would suggest you definitely bring a stroller or wagon if you have little ones. There’s a lot of walking to be done and many hilly areas. We always bring our Step 2 Versa Seat Wagon with Canopy Read More

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Baloon Decoration For Birthday Party

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party Ideas

For my son, Joshua’s, 1st birthday, I decided to go with The Very Hungry Caterpillar (by Eric Carle) theme. He was growing like a weed and loved to eat, so that seemed the most fitting! This was a pretty easy party to pull together. I basically just followed the book to a tee. Read More

A Safe Child Alternative to toothpick

A Child Safe Toothpick For Kids That Are Picky Eaters

Traditional toothpicks are dangerous for children. That is why I invented the first child safe toothpick for picky eaters. As an early childhood educator, I have come across many picky eaters. In my experience, the one thing that seems to work with the majority of children who are refusing to eat, is serving their food on toothpicks.

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