No More Dinner Battles!


After a long day of drop-offs, pick-ups, play-dates, and lessons (not to mention a full day’s work!), you come home and get busy on a healthy meal for your kids that you know they’ll love.

You call them to the table, proudly place it in front of them…and watch in horror and frustration as they turn up their noses and shove it away.

Believe me, I’ve been there. And I’m here to help.

Pick-Ease Sticks were created to make unwitting health nuts out of the pickiest of young eaters.  The idea is simple: by turning mealtime into an entertaining game, your little ones will have so much fun, they won’t even realize they’re being nourished.

With that in mind, here are some healthy dinner recipes for kids that they’ll actually EAT:

  1. The Rainbow Connection – Does your child think “fruits and vegetables” are four-letter words? Then why not try turning healthy eating into an art project? Simply cut foods of all different colors, put them in separate bowls, and let your kids use Pick Ease Sticks to channel their inner Picasso. They can make rainbows, traffic lights, even flags…and the only rule is they have to eat the current masterpiece, before starting on the next.
  2. Dining in a Dinner Wonderland – Meatballs should be the perfect food for kids: they’re tasty, fun to eat, and packed with the protein their growing bodies need. If your child won’t touch them, use Pick Ease Sticks to turn ordinary meatballs into dinnertime snowmen! All you have to do is make your next batch in three different sizes, and let your children do the rest. Any meatball recipe will do, but here’s one that kids everywhere seem to love:
  3. Deep Sea Eating – For some inexplicable reason, children everywhere seem to be terrified of seafood. If your children hate the sight of fish on their plate, then why not let them harpoon it instead? Cook up some bite-sized shrimp or healthy oven-baked fish sticks ( Serve them in a bowl with lettuce on top. Then, when it’s time to eat, your children get to use their Pick-Eases to fish for their fish!
  4. March of the Penguins – This one might take a bit of supervision, but it’s well worth it! With just a bit of cream cheese, some carrots, a few olives, and a Pick-Ease, children can make their very own meal-time penguins. They’re cute AND filling! (
  5. That’s a Wrap – There’s something magical about wraps. Even if you take foods that your children would never eat on their own and put them in a wrap, they somehow become fun! Use your favorite healthy ingredients and Pick-Ease to create mini-wraps your children will love. Or, if you want even more inspiration, check this out:

These are some of my ideas. What are yours?

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