Simple DIY Chore Charts For Kids

Chore Charts

At 3 & 4 years old, I think my boys are ready to learn a bit more about responsibility so we are starting our week with brand new, homemade chore charts! Honestly, this is mostly for 4 year old who will be 5 in just a couple of months, but of course my 3 year old wanted to participate too. Here, I will show you how I made these awesome DIY Chore Charts.

What you’ll need:

  • Cookie Sheet
  • Magnets
  • Wooden circle cut outs
  • Letter Stickers
  • Stickers to decorate

The majority of these items were purchased at our local dollar store. I did have to venture out to Michael’s Arts and Crafts for the magnets and wooden circles though.

Chore Charts

Steps to Make Your Chore Charts:

1. The first thing I did was search online for printable chore cards. I came across a great set from the Free Homeschool Deals blog.They have many chore cards to choose from, with adorable illustrations on them. I didn’t want to overwhelm my boys with chores so we started with five basics: Clean Room, Laundry (dirty clothes in the basket and help put away their clothes), Clean Up (toys outside their room), Put their shoes away in their designated bins, and we changed “Set Table” to Clear Table (their plates).

Chore Charts: Chore CardsChore Charts: Chore Cards

If you’re looking for a list of age appropriate chores for your child, here’s a list that I found on the Happy Housewife blog:

Chore Charts: Age Appropriate Chores

2. After I printed out my chore cards, I cut them out and laminated the ones I choose for my boys. I then glued them onto the wooden circles that I found at Michael’s Arts and Crafts. Next, I added the self adhesive magnets to the back of the wooden circles.

Chore Charts: Chores

3. The next step was to decorate out chore charts with stickers. At the top, I used the letter stickers to spell out each of my boys’ names. I underlined their names with decorative tape. In the middle of the cookie sheet, I spelled out “To Do” and then underlined that with decorative tape. At the bottom of the cookie sheet, I spelled out “Done”. I then added some zoo themed stickers to the cookie sheets.

Chore Charts

Using Picture Hanging Command Strips, I hung both of the chore charts onto the side of one of our shelves. Every morning, all of the chores start out in the top half of the chore chart, and as my boys complete them, they slide each chore down to the “Done” section of the chore chart. They are each earning two coins at the end of each day, if all of their chores have been completed. They are both super excited to save up enough money to purchase a toy on their own and I love the enthusiasm that they are both showing! I hope to see much success with this new routine of ours and look forward to adding additional chores as they get older!

Chore Charts